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Words revolving around the sun

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20 questions revolving around the sun

1 What would you do with sunscreen?

a sit under it on the beach

b rub it into your skin

2 What two things are called a sunbed? ____________________________________________________________

3 What else could you sit on to sunbathe? ____________________________________________________________

Hint: Look at the picture on page V16 of the Visual Vocabulary builder.

4 What happens when the sun sets? ____________________________________________________________

5 What kind of light does a sunlamp produce? ____________________________________________________________

6 What is another type of light? ____________________________________________________

7 What kind of food can be eaten sunny side up and where? _____________________________________________

8 Who might call their sunglasses sunnies? _______________________________________________________

9 Put this sentence into the past tense:

We sun ourselves all summer. _________________________________________________________________

10 Correct the mistake in this sentence:

Where is the sunnyest place in Britain? __________________________________________________________________

11 Which is correct: We want a holiday on the sun/in the sun/at the sun this year.

12 Cross out the wrong word: Would you prefer a table in the shadow/shade?

13 What is another word for sunrise? ____________________________________________________________

14 The sun shines. What is a good verb to describe what moonlight does? _______________________________

Hint: You’ll need to look at the Synonym note near the entry for ‘shine’.

15 Fill in the gap: The fierce tropical sun beat down __________ the weary travellers.

16 Which of these sentences are correct:

a The sun was shining brightly.

b He shone the torch in my face.

c The moon shone her skin white.

17 Which syllable of the word sun-worshipper is stressed? _________________________________________________

18 Does solar rhyme with ‘molar’ or ‘colour’? __________________________________________________

19 The radius of the sun is approximately 432,000 miles. About how many kilometres is that?__________________________________

Hint: Look at the Numbers section at the back of the dictionary.

20 Name a state in the Sunbelt. ___________________________________________________

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